Diseases cured by Dr Hardik purohit Case of alopecia areata Case of psoriasis Case of viral warts Case of mutltiple kidney stones in 8 month old girl child removed without operation with homeopathy Warts on hand Case of LEUCODERMA Warts on ear lobes PSORIASIS WITH DIABETES CURED IN 5 TO 6 MONTHS Case of contagiosum molluscum ( viral warts) Case of chronic multi drug resistant ringworm (fungal infection) Generalised psoriasis 15 years cured in 6 to 8 months Warts Chronic dermatitis Leucoderma Palmer xerosis ( dry eczema) Scalp psoriasis Psoriasis Fungal infection tongue ( ringworm / geographical tongue ) Ringworm on Face ( Tinea faciei) Psoriasis 4 years Ringworm 20 year old Rheumatoid Arthritis - RA factor 174 to 11 Case of thyoriditis in 50 year woman cured with homeopathy Sub clinical hypothyroidism cured and patient is still free from any thyroid symptoms even after 3 years .