fill the case form online below :
Mention one or more diseases you suffered from
The age when you suffered from any diseases
The time duration you suffered from any diseases
Which type of treatments and medicine taken when suffering from any diseases

Family History

Personal History

At what age did you start

Vaccination & Inoculations

Appetite and Thirst


Urination & Urine

Sweat / Perspiration - Fever - Chill

Chest - Heat - Cold - Cough

Sweat/Perspiration– Fever – Chill

Sexual Sphere (General)



It is now universally acknowledged that your mind has tremendous influence on your body. For giving proper treatment it is absolutely necessary for us to understand your emotional and intellectual nature. We can thus treat you as a whole. In order to understand you we will be asking certain questions. Answer them freely, carefully and completely. This information will help us much in giving you the correct remedy. Also such a remedy will help improve your mental make up. Answer freely. Answer frankly. Answer completely.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.